Future Human

Future Human


Future Human

understand radical change

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October 28, 2010

Facebookers, join Future Human Club

Where do you see innovation? Share links and videos with fellow futurehumanistas.

Faithful Future Human fans will have been following our Facebook group, Future Human Club, where we’ve been sharing and discussing exciting new trends for the last few months. It’s grown to nearly a thousand members and has a healthy stream of links and news running through it every day – it’s been a great destination for anyone wanting to discover some cutting-edge ideas and objects, many of them fashioned from Lego.

Now, thanks to changes chez Facebook, we’re shifting our activity to a page, also called Future Human Club. You can ‘like’ it in the time-honoured fashion, and then do much as people have been doing on the group: posting up links and adding comments, all with snark levels at your discretion. It’s also a forum for expanding and continuing discussion that we’ve had at events, and which has perhaps been cruelly cut short by time constraints. And with Future Human’s social media mavens Nell Block (who explains more in the video below) and Guy Ferneyhough posting a steady stream of material, the Future Human Club Facebook page is going to be even more vibrant than the group which preceded it. See you on there!